Friday 25 April 2014

Al Khair Rose Water for the Wellbeing of your Eyes

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Ever since a Muslim chemist developed rose water, it has won hearts not just with its sweet fragrance but its innumerable benefits. This natural product, brought to you in a compact and convenient spray bottle in its purest form by Al Khair Premium Natural Products, is ‘literally’ a sight for sore eyes.

The natural anti bacterial and antiseptic properties present in Al Khair Rose Water act as a shield from the everyday dust and pollutants which your eyes are exposed to. Follow a daily regime of spraying two cotton balls with Al Khair Rose Water and placing them over your eyes for 10-15 minutes. This will help ease redness, inflammation of eyes and cleanse your eyes of the harmful ingredients of make up and beauty products.

Eye fatigue is a normal condition in this era of technology, where people are hooked onto hours of Computer screens, TV and smart phones. Reading late into the night and for long hours also causes stress. This can result in irritation in eyes by dryness and hyperacidity. Using Al Khair Rose Water as an eye wash helps to reduce the stress and fatigue of the day. Simply spray Al Khair Rose Water onto some cool, clean water and rinse your eyes for instant relief. The rich nutrients packed in Al Khair Rose Water like flavonoids, vitamins (A,C, E, D, B3), anti-oxidants, fructose, citric acid, malic acid, zinc and tannins treats and heals the eyes gently.

Let the tension of the day and puffiness ebb away with a quick therapy of placing cotton soaked in Al Khair Rose Water on your eyes for just 5 minutes. Even putting rose water directly into the eyes can cleanse it of the grime of the day.

Not just healing for your eyes, but also around your eyes, Al Khair Rose Water can help get rid of dark circles around your eyes by adding 2-3 drops of rose water to cucumber juice and dabbing it around the eyes. Wash your eyes after 20 minutes.

Make Al Khair Rose Water a part of your everyday routine for the wellbeing of your eyes and relish the bounties of Allah which surround you.

© 2013 Miswak, Sidr Honey, Almond Oil, Black Seed Oil, Dates, Healthy Products, Pakistan - Designed by Bohradevelopers