Sunday 17 November 2013

A Natural Tonic of Warm Water and Al Khair Honey for a Healthier You!

The way one begins the day determines the quality of the next 24 hours. Many wise elders believe that starting the day with a glass of warm water and honey is a power-packed tonic with innumerable health benefits.

This is no old-wives tale! It has been seen that the bacteria-killing properties of honey becomes even more potent when diluted with water. It has been scientifically proved that when honey is mixed with water, a chemical reaction results creating hydrogen peroxide which is the most effective natural antibiotic.

With the onset of the winter winds, drinking a glass of warm water with the goodness of Al-Khair pure honey soothes an itchy throat, cures colds and helps dispel accumulated phlegm. Making this tonic a part of your diurnal routine helps prevent colds and coughs throughout the year as the medicinal benefits of Al Khair Honey boosts immunity.

Forget all those weight-loss teas and pills which come with a hoard of side-effects—pure and golden Al Khair Honey mixed with warm water first thing in the morning burns fat and also keeps your energy level high. It helps detoxify your intestines and regularizes bowel movements keeping your feeling light and active.

This healthy and light concoction of Al-Khair Honey drizzled in warm water possesses enzymes which travel through the body and diffuses into the bloodstream in a matter of minutes and boosts your metabolism to help digest your food quickly.

The detoxifying, antibacterial and anti-fungal effects of Al-Khair Honey stirred in warm water reveals itself on the skin by curing acne and preventing pimple breakouts and keeps you hydrated as your go about your routine, no matter what the weather.

So simply add a spoonful of pure, natural and Islamic Al Khair Honey to a glass of luke-warm water, stir this golden liquid, and drink it up first thing in the morning. It will leave you feeling active, light, healthy inside-out and on top-of-the-world the entire day!


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