Monday 5 August 2013

Dates; A Taste of Sunshine

A cluster of oval, dark, reddish brown drupes is a valuable fruit with dried wrinkled skin and covered with a sticky waxy film; dates are acclaimed as a very precious fruit which holds many natural vitamins and protein within it like calcium, potassium, magnesium, vitamins A, vitamin B complex, vitamin C, etc. Al Khair offers premium quality dates which are hygienically packed and a healthy diet for a happy family. From dessert to drinks, chicken to fish and from omelette to dips dates are used in all.

Times are changing and to make dates readily available to people Al Khair fresh dates of most refined quality are now available online on their E-shop; whether the people are living in huge cities or in far away villages they can easily get their stock of dates on every occasion like Ramadan, Eid or Christmas, there's no longer need to search supermarkets and local shops for it. Dates in past were the exotic luxury item used by higher authority people, working class only consumed it on special occasions. But now times have changed, dates are considered a taste of sunshine and the demand of healthy diet.

Dates are in demand in baker's kitchen too nowadays, many bakeries demand Al Khairfresh dates in baking due to its sweetness, richness and supreme quality. Dates are used in cakes and in cake toppings along with walnuts and pecan nuts. For chefs it is an item of great value used in many of their recipes. Date syrup mixed with tahini is a perfect dip, people like it as a drink in milk or carrot juice and they are even used in ice creams. In order to enhance the taste people mix it with yogurt, bread and even butter to make the meal healthier, dates stuffed in apricot is a perfect mix for dessert lovers. Dates are cholesterol free and more in value then the burgers, fries and drinks consumed nowadays, it has no adverse health effects and is a worthwhile item demanded globally by people and recommended by health advisors.

Dates are nutritious and full of vitamins, they are recommended as energy boosters, dates are full of energy 100 grams of dates yield about 300 kcal of energy, surely an energy boosting fruit. In Islam date is a valuable fruit and Muslims break their fast with it due to its energy boosting factor, dates have natural sugar in it which rapidly transforms to energy in the liver for the body to function, they also aid in digestion and prepare the stomach for the next meal. Dates help in cure of small intestine; they are promoters of growth of friendly bacteria's in intestine. Dates are filled with soluble and insoluble fibres which help in improvement of bowel movements and clears toxins from gastrointestinal tract, good remedy for constipation. Dates are also considered as fruits which gain weight, they are a healthy snack for people who are looking forward for weight gains. They are also used to strengthen the uterine muscle and facilitate the childbirth at time of labour. Furthermore dates improve heart health as they are risk free and Dates strengthen the tooth enamel, hence they are very useful.
ich in antioxidants due to which they prevent cancer in people.

In order to stay healthy, fit and energetic dates have to be added in everyday meals, and to get superior quality stock at your doorstep order now at, from Al Khair and you will surely like it.
Alkhair dates, alkhair fresh dates, stock of dates


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